Citizen science
Take action
To conserve aquatic insects, we need to know where and why they’re declining. This requires having abundant data on the abundance, distributions, and hatch-timing of insects, both past and present. That’s where you come in.
We need your help documenting occurrences of aquatic insects - as either nymphs or adults. With your help, we can make a difference.
How you can help:
Upload photos of aquatic insects from the past or present on inaturalist.org with the GPS coordinates, date, and time of the observations. If you use the iNaturalist app, the GPS, date, and time can be automatically uploaded with the photo. The app is available on Apple iOS and Android phones.
You can also email photos and occurrence notes along with any questions at conservation@salmonflyproject.org.
Volunteer at one of our insect monitoring programs. Each summer, we need help sampling aquatic insects and environmental factors in the field. For more information about monitoring programs near you, see our Projects page or reach out at conservation@salmonflyproject.org.
Are you a long-time observer?
If you’ve been paying attention to famous hatches of stoneflies, mayflies, and caddisflies for years - as an angler, scientist, or anything in between - please let us know what you’ve seen.
Have salmonflies become less abundant in your local river? What about green drakes? Mother’s Day caddis? Have populations bounced back after a decades-long lull? What do you think is driving the patterns you’ve witnessed? We want to know it all.
Want to work together more closely?
We are looking for enthusiastic collaborators, sponsors, and providers.